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Friday, April 9, 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Hello, and welcome to my blog!  I am a married mother of one grown son and two step children, a boy age 8 and a girl, age 7. This is my very first year and first experience with the Ultimate Blog Party 2010  I am so excited about the prospect of connecting with other women bloggers.  And if I can win a wonderful prize just for me in the process, that is just an added bonus!  Won't you come and join me for the Ultimate Blog Party 2010?  Ok, so let's get this party started! 

                  My Husband & Step-Children                 

My Son


Help! Mama Remote... said...

Thanks for welcoming me to your party. Beautiful family. I'm going to look around now.

ThinkFeminist said...

Happy Ultimate Blog Party!!! Following you from Safe Home Happy Mom blog. You can also follow my blog at

Nolie said...

Stopping by for the party. Hope you are enjoying it. Feel free to come stop by mine when you get a chance.

Nolie's Ultimate Blog Party Post

Niki Jolene said...

Hello, I'm stoppin' over from the Ultimate Blog Party!

I'm your new follower from UBP10!

Visit me at and sign up for my newest giveaway!

Cluttered Brain said...

Thanks for joining the party? Where's your first EVAH vlog? i wanna see!!
If you like vlogging, try #mondaymingle a try with eightyMPHmom.
Email me for details.
oneclutteredbrain AT gmail DOT com

Party on! WHOO-HOO!

Christine said...

Hey, stopping by for the party! I love your party dress pic! I’m following you now so I hope to learn more about you and your blog soon. Here's my blog if you'd like to stop by and follow too if you like!

Beautiful family!

Carissa(GoodNCrazy) said...

Yo! Glad to stop by after chatting with you via twitter... I really like your overall blog layout..

I agree it's worth changing your url.. however at first here.. you can get rid of that pesky 'title' that is over the top of your header. in your settings... holler if you need help..

~Kimberly Andrews said...

Thanks so much for stopping by everyone! This is my first year for the Ultimate Blog Party and so far it's a blast. I am enjoying meeting new people and reading reading new blogs! Also thanks for those of you who gave me tips, suggestions and/or support.

MaricrisG said...

I love your blog and the sunflower on the side got me. I love sunflowers! I hope you're having fun at the party so far! Enjoy UBP10!

Muthering Heights said...

Hi there...I stopped in from the's nice to meet you! :)

Anonymous said...

Stopping from the UBP! That a fun site. What a great family!

Unknown said...

Hi Kimberly:

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your kind words about it. It's been great to meet so many wonderful people from the party. I'm happy to see you became a FB fan too.

Have a scent-sational day!

Stephanie said...

Hi there - just dropping in from the UBP. Nice to meet you! Stop by if you get a chance.

Nanette said...

Just saw on twitter that you are recovering from surgery. Hope you heal quickly. Enjoy the rest of the UBP so glad I stopped by.
Feel free to stop by my blog for some tea and cheesecake :)

K said...

Happy UBP10!! Heard about your surgery on twitter; hope you're feeling better soon!


Laura said...

Stopping by from the UBP. This is also my first year even though I have been blogging for over a year now. I love sunflowers. I actually bought some seed this year, I just haven't gotten them in the ground yet.

~Kimberly Andrews said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog(s) I hope you enjoyed them & will continute to read them and/or share them with friends and family. Also a huge thanks for all my get well wishes. Still tired & sore, and mostly out of it because of pain meds right now, but recovering nicely nonetheless. Again, thanks for your well wishes, they are greatly appreciated. All I can say is thank god for my laptop & virtual friends! lol Have a great weekend!

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

Hey Kimberly,

Sorry it's taken me so long to visit your party post... but we're so happy that you joined the party!

It's great to "get to know you better" you through your new vlog post that you just added to Say It Face to Face.

You sure have a ton of blogging on the go.

Talk soon